Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5


New Orleans 29th March 1836

My dear friend-

I have but a moment to say that this will be handed to you by Capt. Martin H. Alexander who goes with a few volunteers to your aid; I have fitted them out in part at my own expense & I hope they will prove worthy of the cause they have espoused. I have seen but little of Capt. Alexander, but I have formed a good opinion of him; he will inform you of my movements; my last dollar shall go before Texas shall fall. You have a noble oppertunity of distinguishing nay of immortalizing yourself which I trust you will have done before this reaches you. Goel be with you Wm. Christy [2472] [HALL INVOICE] Invoice of Merchandise Shipped by Edward Hall Agent for the Sehr Congress Gall master for matagorda. consigned to R R Royall Esq & deliverable to Government orders 200 Kegs of Gun Powder 6- l.200 00

New Orleans March 29 1836 CrExa Edward Hall Agt By his Atty Samuel Ellis



Headquarters, Western Department, Baton Rouge, March 29, 1836. Sir: I have received not until yesterday an official copy of your letter of the 23d January last, by which I have the satisfaction to be informed that the President of the United States has been pleased to direct my immediate attention to the western frontier of State of Louisiana; in order to preserve, if necessary, by force, the neutrality of the United States.


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