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the United Stales" for the purpose of raising men &c, in the cause of Texas. A due regard to the neutrality of other nations forbids such proceedure But for any excertions on your part that may redound to the advantage of the cause of Texas, you will doubtless recei_ve the ~atitude and reward of the Government
Very Respt Your Ohl Servt Sam P Carson
State Dept. Rep. Texas l\ 1 Iarch 29th 1836
To Col. James Powers Dear Sir.
In answer to your communication of the 25th Inst. I am directd by the President to say; that provisions are and wil1 be much needed in this country, and any man who would introduce provisions into the country on his own credit as you propose; would no only be entitled to the gratitude hut would have great claims on the generosity of the country & the government will doubtless remunerate you as soon as she is able. With much Respt I have the honor to he etc. Sam P. Carson A true copy of the original Thos. H. Hill Ch. Clk. Sec. State
[2470) [CARSON to SAGE]
State Department Harrisburg March 29th 1836
To Charles Sage Esqr. Sir
I answer to your communication of the 25th Inst. I am directed by the President to say that he declines issuing commissions to persons to "proceed to the United States" for the purpose of raising men &c Respect for neutrality of other nations, would forbid this Govt from such proceedure. Any exertions on your part for Texas will however he fully appreciated and doubtless rewarded by the Govt.
Very Respt I am &c Sam P Carson
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