Government. At least Ten Men must be sent weU armed & equipped for duty. We ~esire that those ten should be select & trust worthy men as the Government will require their services on important & perhaps delicate duties. You wiU consider this as your orders. Very respectfully Sam P. Carson Secy of State P. S. The President requires that the Prisoners should be treated with every humanity consistent with their safe keeping.
S. P.·C.
[2467) [CARSON to MULLIN]
State Dept. Harrisburg March 29th 1836
To Col John M Mullin Dear Sir
In answer to your communication of the 25th Inst. I-am directed to say by the President to say: [sic] that agents have been already charged with the purchase of provisions &c to the extent of the means within the immediate reach of the government. But should your own means enable you to furnish any of the necessarys of life to the suffering women, and children of our country as well as the army. It will not only entitle you to the gratitude of a grateful country, but to the strongest claims for full remuneration so soon as her abilities may allow.
With much Respt I am &c Sam P. Carson
(2468) [CARSON to NORTON]
State Dept Harrisburg .March 29th 1836
B. Hammett Norton Exq Sir
In answer to your communication of the 17th Inst. addressed to the convention and referred to the Executive Govt I am directed by the President to say, that he cannot issue anv commissions or grant any authority "to individuals to proceed t~
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