Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

all rights of citizenship and such lands as they may hold in the Republic. Done at Harrisburgh this twenty ninth of March A D. 1836 and of the Republic the first

signed David G Burnet P.R. T.



Whereas the exigences of the country require the utmost efforts of its physical power. Therefore I David G. Burnet, President of the Republic of Texas, by and with the advice and consent of •my Cabinet, and in pursuance of authority vested in me, do decree and ordain that. All Commissioned officers of the army of Texas do repair forthwith to the Head Quarters of the said army, and report themselves to the Commander in Chief: and in case any Commissioned Officer shall fail to report himself within ten days, from the publication of this order, the commission of said Officer, is hereby declared to be cancelled, revoked and of no effect: and such officer is made fully subject to draft under the Ordinances to organise the Militia of this Republic. Provided that this Decree shall not in any wise affect or prejudice such officers or their commissions, as are absent or detained on public business, or absent by permission of the proper authority. Done at Harrisburgh this twenty ninth day of March A.D. 1836

David G. Burnet

By the President Thomas J. Rusk Sec of War

[2466) [CARSON to HARDIN]

State Dept. Texas 29th March 1836

To Honbl Wm Hardin Sir

I am directed by the President to issue an order to you to send forthwith the two Smiths Prisoners in your jurisdiction to this place (Harrisburg) under a sufficient guard selected by y_ou out of the men who may volunteer or be drafted for the serVIce of the


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