Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

sanction: humanity itself demands a severe retribution We must teach these ruffian Tyrants, that the mies of christian warfare may be observed too long, that while our humanity aggravates their cruelty, that humanity itself, becomes cruel and must be abandoned. But let vengeance fall upon its proper victims. The miserable ignorant crowd who fill the ranks of the enemy if not guiltless, are unworthy the righteous retaliation of a magnanimous people. Let their leaders learn by bitter experience, that Tcxians can be just, while they desire to be generous and humane. Citizens of Texas we call upon you in the name of liberty, of all the hopes and enjoyments of this life to repair to the army. Let a sufficient number of men selected from each neighbourhood, to provide for and protect, our wives and children: But let the able bodied, the active the gallant, those whose hearts beat high to every call of duty, turn their thoughts to the best security of our country: and their arms to the enemy. On our gallant army depend the hopes of Texas. Reinforce that army; but let subordination and discipline prevail! Submit yourselves to the rigors of the camp for a season 1 and halcyon days of peace and prosperity will reward your trials. Let every man who can repair to the army. The gallant Houston will lead you to victory. The stake is glorious, let it be gloriously won. If any man prove recreant, in this hour of his country's peril, let that man be marked, and the indignation of the people, the ..slow unmoving finger of scorn" will hold him in perpetual derision, The laws of the land will be rigidly enforced. The times call for decision, for action Those who are not for us are against us. I subjoin an extract form of the Constitution. Its provisioms must and will be innexibly observed. Let no man hope for exemption. All are interested, All must abide the same fate The law makes no distinction none will be name. United firm and invincible is our motto. Let it be inscribed on the craven helmets of our enemies: and generations unborn wiU participate in our reward, and bless the halo that will surround this era of our countrys redemption from and ignominious servitude. Extract from the Constitution framed and adopted by the Convention al Washington &c. All persons who shall leave the country for the purpose of evading a participation in the present struggle, Shall refuse lo participate in it, or shall give aid or assistance to the present enemy, shall forfeit


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