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be left to the wisdom of the Government to settle the untoward affair. We deem it our duty to appraise you of this, that a settlement may be made before the U States send a demand for the vessel & Crew-The capture of the Mexican vessel, she being owned by Americans & Insured here, has caused great excitement, and some bad feelings. It is however to be expected. We have yet no advices from the Commissioners or the Government, and have not yet rec'd any funds-We have had printed Books of Blank Government orders, one of which we send by this conveyance. We trust they may prove acceptable lo you, they will certainly save much labour I have the honour to be &c Yours Respectfully
Wm Bryan General Agent
Fellow Citizens.
Your country demands your aid! The enemy is pressing upon us. families, the wives and children of your neighbours, are driven from their firesides, and compelled to lake shelter in woods and forests, while the enemy gathers confidence and audacity from every disaster we encounter. Under these painful circumstances, equally reproachful to our national character, and dangerous to our national existence, too many citizens are lingering in idleness and lethargy at home or ingloriously flying before our enemy, whom we have heretofore affected to despise. Is it possible that the free citizens of Texas, the descendants of the heroes of 76 can take panic at the approach of the paltry minions of a despot, who threatens to desolate our beautiful country? Let us rather "rush to the rescue" Let every man able to poise a rifle or wield a sabre fly to the army, and soon , very soon your families will be safe. Our country cleansed from the pollution of every hostile fort, and the "bond of promise" will smile benignly over the land. Fellow citizens! The Blood of the martyrs of freedom, the heroes ·of the "Alamo" call aloud for vengeance. The minions of despotism the panders of priestly ambition are waging a merciless and extermination war upon us. A righteous God will
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