come here if he can I must close whilst I bid you all farewell I remain your affectionate son
E. Bowker
[Addressed:] Mr. Daniel Bowker Sudbury Massachusetts
Agency of Texas New Orleans March 29th 1836
To His Ex the Governor or Hon President of the Convention of Texas Gentn
0 ur Mr HaII I e ft here in the Pensylvania to meet the Convention, that this agency might more fully understand the wants and wishes of the representatives of the people of Texas. I presume he is with you before this, to him I would respectfully refer you for information in regard to the business of this office. The news of the Butchery of Bexar, has reached us, and created a feeling of deadlyhostility to Mexico. There can be no doubt that now the universal feeling of our people is in your favour, and that the address of the Hon Convention will meet a hearty response in the feelings of the people of the U States. The public arc much excited, & we have already had as agents, offers of assistance, but not in a way that will be immediately available. By this vessel (the Congress) we send between 20 & 30 volunteers, and also 200 Kegs Powder. The volunteers have been supplied with arms &e by the agency. By the next vessel we shall send another Invoice of Powder, & shall send all the provisions that can be obtained on time. We have endeavoured to obtain some Rifles, but there are none to be had here, we have sent up the River for them. The papers state that a schooner supposed the Liberty, besides capturing a Mexican vessel has robbed an American vessel of a Cable & anchor, and given an order I prestime on the Agency for payment. The act would be construed by our Courts as Piracy, and unless measures are taken to disavow it by Texas, and satisfy the American Government, the Liberty will be lost to you & treated as a Pirate should she fall into the hands of the U States. Should the Agency pay the order they are committed as accessories. It must
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