Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

fought eleven days in succession until wearied out they were surprised in the night of the 6th of March and were all massacred but they sold their lives very dear they killed and wounded about two thousand of the l\'Jexicans-the Honorable David Crockett was one of the victims he was found dead with about 20 of the enemy with him and his rifle was broken to pieces it is supposed that he killed at least 20 or 30 himself Col Travis the Commander of that little Band was found dead grappled with a Mexican Officer with his sword thru his body-the country is all in arms and rushing to the frontier to repel the enemy and Dear Parents I shall start in two or three days with a Company that is agoing from this place I cannot i;tay still any longer when w~ hear our country calling aloud for help help or we perish! we have declared ourselves Free and Independent people and will no longer submit to the Mexican laws we have disclaimed all alliances with l\'lexico the union is now dissolved and we are free and we will be free or perish! Now it does not become a free man to be a slave one that has been born in the land of freedom and nursed in the lap of luxury to crouch and bend under the yoke of tyranny and oppression the Blood of 76 swells in my veins ready to flow forth in the cause of Liberty and Freedom and let the Tyrant Sante Anna and all his demigods tremble when they hear the name of free men he calls us rebels and he says he will drive us all out of the country or lose Mexico our forces are strengthening daily Sar1te Anna sent his proclamation after he took St. Antonio to Commander in Chief General Sam Houston granting a pardon to all those who will come in and lay down their arms and submit to the Mexican laws what do you think General Houston said and did why he sent him a Declaration of our Independence which was unanimously adopted at Washington of the 2d day of March about the 11th hour of the day 1836-I must draw to a close my health is good at this time I want to hear from you very much I have not heard from any of you this six months give my best love and respects to all tell Daniel to come lo this place if I never return from the army he will find my papers and land deeds in the care of A.G. Kellog San Augustine Texas. P. S. Direct your letter to San Augustine Texas by way of Fort Jessop write soon or I shall think you are all dead or that you have forgot me tell Brother Daniel that he must


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