Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

of the purchasing agent-The printed documents of the Government dated San Phillipe Fcby 13th naming the advance of the Mexicans has reached this place & caused considerable sensation & fears, from the alarm expressed at the situation of your volunteer troops, we have also heard a rumor of the Loss of the Tamaulipa.s, but are not yet advised as to where or under whal circumstances; she was Insured for Sl6.000 with liberty to Louch at Valasco & proceed to l\latagorda, we hear she sailed from Copano, if she is lost beyond Matagorda the Insurance is void. If lost between Brasos & Matagorda, the amount may be recovered. We advised you under date January 28th that Insurance had been made, & presume in case of her Loss, a regular protest will be forwarded, & a proper sale made by your agents, so that the full amount can be recovered form the Insurors. I need not urge upon you the necessity (In case she is lost) of using every means to secure this large amount to the government. Col Wharton was to have sent us a Bill Lading after taking on his powder below the City, as he did not do it, It will be absolutely necessary that the Government should reh1rn the one we sent to them, or obtain one from Col Wharton to be sent, as the Insurance cannot be recovered without it-The small amounl upon the Emeline was not Insured, we could not effect it-we also hear she is lost-We apprehend much distress from the loss of these vessels, & a remedy cannot be Loo soon applied, as soon as funds are received, & we have information of the actual loss, we shall immediately transmit as near as we can, duplicate Cargoes. We enclose duplicate of my respects pr William & Francis. The Invincible sailed from the mouth on the 2d. The Brutus, Independence & i\latawankeag on the 3d. Instant. The William & Francis (with recruits) on the 5th. We have not yet heard of the arrival of the Commissioners al Washington, nor have we had any ad,~ces from them. We have also no advices from the government. We are waiting with the u tmosl anxiety for an order from you upon the Orleans Bank as requested by the Commissioners, or for some funds from the Commissioners, we have (as we have before slated) without one Dollar of funds in my hands & being largely in advance, sent forward the two last named vessels at an expense of over $4000 in equipment & provisions, the amount by the Equity you will sec by Invoices. Recruits are daily arriving and I k_now not what Lo do with Lhem, nothing can be done without money, & I have nol even the

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