Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

have brough~ ten leagu_es of land in my pocket to effect it. If you want any paid here wnte to me My love lo my dear girls & boys I am to much occupied at the moment to write them

Affectionately as ever your brother



To Mrs. Mary Austin Holley Lexington, Kentucky f2461)


[March 29, 1836)

His Excellency D. G Burnet

Our army having retreated from the Colorado it has become necessary to remove our press. I shall endeavor to put it over the river to-day. If the Government can send a team for it we will set it up in Harrisburg. It will require a large waggon and team. I have none. I send Mr Magruder to inform you. If no team comes, it must lie in the bottom. Our Army consists of upwards of one thousand-

y our Obt Humble Servant G. Borden Jr.

(24621 [BOWKER to BOWKER]

San Augustine March 29 1836

Dear Parents

I again resume my pen to inform you of the situation of our Infant Country it is a deplorable one I assure you but I hope it will have a favorable termination soo11. I will U1erefore try to give you an idea of our situation as near as I can our frontier Settlements are invaded with a large .Mexican force estimated at above 8000 Saint Antonio is retaken again _by the Mexicans and all the american garrison put to the sword. I will give you a small description of that little Brave Band of Patriots there was but about 150 effective men in the fort called the Alamo and that little Band had to contend with a force of about 7000 notwithstanding the superior force of the Mexicans this little band


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