Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

de haberse juido las mulas de los tiros y que no se sahe de ellos hasta la f echa lcvante y me f ui solo acompanado del prisionero su asistente mi cabo de or<lenanza y dos soldatos, cuande al Hegar el dia sigente el 24 me encontre al seno~· Mayor General cerca de la mision dcl Refugio dandoms ordan de volver a la Bahia y entregar, los prisioncros al cornandante del Punte lo que se verefico el dia segido el 25 entregando me el senor Taning y Paquete de papelcs redulado al senor Presidente y una carta para su esposa los mismos que he deposidado manos de V. S. a la hora de mi llegada. [Incomplete] [2459] [SMITH to -----] [M. W. Smith to -----, l\farch 28, 1836, about taking post at Thompson's Ferry at Fort Bend, in pursuance of Houston's orders.] [2460] [AUSTIN to HOLLEY]

New Orleans, March 29. /36

My Dear Sister

You may have been alarmed at my silence for the month pas'd-but it is more than a month since I have been arranging matters to be off in first vessel, and ought to hve been here weeks ago, I have not had letters from you for some months, the two last parcels having gone on to Texas since I left Brazoria My main object in coming is to raise Money, which I might have clone with ease two weeks earlier- but the scarcity of money here, with the news which came with me of the capture of San Antonio will deter me from making any proposition at present-We shall have news of hard fighting with victory on our side within a few days in all probability-and then I may operate favorably- The fall of San Antonio has created a great Alarm, both here & in Texas but painful! as the event is in itself lo me it came as the harbinger of Salvation to Texas- for I had long been convinced that some s1~vere disaster alone could call the wrt'ldwd set of men who have obtained the lead in public affairs to a &·nsc

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