change or new model it, and be calculated lo destroy confidence; its immediate establishment will, I think, give to the country many advantages and particularly the citizens who wish lo lake stock. The charler is a plain and simple one, and met with universal approbation at the time it was published here which ~lajor Brigham has done. Your Obt Servant Thomas F. McKinney N.B. I hope the contemplated letter to Mr. Saml. H. John Esqur. of Mobile will not be forgotten, gel his pride and ambitions and sympathies aroused and we will not want money. McKinney [2455] f PERRY to --------] Peach Point, March 28. Mr. Sharp has arrived from Houston's camp-he left there on the 24th in the evening-states that there were 800 Mexicans encamped in the prairie just above the prairie, and Sharp thinks there has been an engagement. Houston had resolved to attack them; and so sanguine was he of success, that he was about to take measures, when Sharp left, to prevent their escaping by sending a body of 300 beyond the enemy. Prisoners taken by our men stale that the enemy's force did not exceed 5,000 men after leaving Bexar. Houston had with him about 2,000, ,md his force was daily augmenting. Nothing cerlain had been heard from Fanning; the reports are that he is retreating; the garrison at San Patricio, of 95 men, had had an engagement with 1200 of the enemy; kited 150, and wounded as many more, and retreated without loss. Yours, &e., J. F. Perry. [2456] [RUSK to HOUSTON] [Thomas J. Rusk, Harrisburg, lo Sam Houston, i\larch 28, 1836, about the removal of public stores to Galveston Island.]
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