Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2452] [HOUSTON to BAKER]

[Sam Houston to_Moseley Baker, March 28, 1836, ordering him to post his command on the east bank of the Brazos, opposite San Felipe, and to obstmct the passage of the enemy.] [2453] [HOUSTON to HARCOURT] [Sam Houston to Edward Harcourt, !\·larch 28, 1836, ordering him to proceed to Velasco or some place on the coast or below Columbia and fortify it.] [2454j (McKINNEY to BURNET AND CABINET]

Quitana 28 March 1836

To the President of the Republic of Texas and the Cabinet, Harrisburg Gent.

I reached home on yesterday from the upper Country and found the enclosed letters from my partner Williams, and believing they contain matters of the first importance to the Country and that they themselves will speak more clearly than any thing that I could write, I have thought best to forward them for your purusal, after which you will please return them to me. A Mr. Lamar from George left here yesterday for that place, who has been actively engaged in raising the feelings and means of his friends for Texas. I am sorry I had not known of his departure in time to have given him letters to you. He is a worthy and patriotic gentleman and highly trustworthy. He has propositioned to make to you (not as many do founded in vision and supposition) but on solid and useful principles, and I trust he will meet with the encouragement due a highminded, disinterested, patriotic friend to Texas, for as such I have known him for some time, his address is Mr. Mirabeau Lamar, Columbus, Georgia. I have not been able to find a Charter of the Rank, but hope soon will, and as it has progressed to some extent, it would he attended with both inconvenience and disappointment to stop,


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