Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

I am firmly of opm1on, when we can count 1500 men under our Commander in Chief on Co.lorado, in addition to those at Goliad, that our march should be to the Westward fcarlessly, and that as many of those abandoned farms should be planted as possible. Our good people have turned out liberally, among them is my oldest son, E. P. Gaines, and the greater part of the arms & ammunition & horses is gone, but many more is fitting out to leave in a fow days. John Durst and many of his disciples is proclaiming against our Independence, and state the facts set forth is false, and that the Colonists has sworn false by departing from the Constitu tion of 1824. Some are up in· arms against our militia ordinance, Your Proclamation, Touching all tho~ Points, no doubt would be satisfactory to all Friends of Liberty. It might stimulate them to march our Enemies in the front of the battle, and leave our friends at home in peace · Our Post Office Establishment hangs heavy on me, the expense from Necogdoches to Fort Jessup principally is bearing on to me, without any contract to that effect. Some instructions to me from that department I should suppose consistent. I am of opinion, the sooner the Constitution could reach the people the better; you, no doubt are well informed of the people of Texas being governed, at all times, by what has been called a hearsay law, and now they will expect the law itself, m; it will be in English. This may have the effect of removing the Toryism from the land. Som'ething should be said plainly to all branches of the civil authority, defining their boundary and limits. I must say, as first Judge, that I am much at a loss. I regret to repeat that for twenty four years, I have witnessed my countrymen easy led cstray by suffering themselves to be duped by their enemy,-by being too cred11lo11s and easy won by hypocritical smiles. IJP. ye not also led cs tray. My warmest friendship to your Cabinet. I am yours Very Sincerely ,las. Gain<'s P.S. Mrs Gaines sends her compliments praying for your suct·c&;, hoping it may be al l<'ast equal lo our forefathers.

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