Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

informant is Capt. Logan. Col. Hastin is raising & will be soon on his march with 500 men. I caused handbills lo be printed & circulated throughout the western country by Capt. R. P. Clarke of the St. Bl. George Washington who has & will continue lo bring down emigrants gratis from the upper country. I have the honor Sr. sir to be

your obt. sevt. Saml. Williams

[Addressed:] Col. J. Fanning Jr.

To be forwarded to Camp with dispatch [2448] [WILLIAMS to PRESIDENT AND CABINET]

New Orleans March 27th 1836

To His Excellency the President and hon. Members of the Council of the Republic of Texas Genl.

Excuse the liberty I take in addressing you, but the intTest I feel for the wellfare of my Country will plead my excuse. I came to this place under orders to raise men for our service and I applied to our agent Wm. Bryan Esqr for the funds that was requisite, he has none. I was thrown on my own resources & with some difficulty raised 10,000$-and with that amt. I was in hopes that a battalion of men could be raised with the assistance of our credit, but I assure you Gent. that our credit is fast declining with the mercantile part of the community in consequence of some of our bills falling due, and .Mr. Bryan has the mortification to the creditors off by saying that the Govt. will soon place funds al his disposition-I have seen the books of the agents and I think a great deal of credit is due them as they have allready obtained a credit of near 80,000 and only had 11,000 in cash. There is now due from 8 to 10,000 and from what I can learn the credit of the agency would be unlimited if they had the support of the Govt. & it was known they were to receive the loan, but unless something towards the agency is done the credit of Texas will be verry much impaired in this city- I shall dispatch 50 or more men in the Schooner Wm A Turner when I shall proceed to Florida to induce & facilitate the Soldiers from that quarter lo Texas & if we had money here-say 30,000$ 3000 men could be sent lo Texas in 40 days-There is now


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