Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

information we can gain, either through our own spies, or prisoners, taken from the enemy, they cannot have more than from six to eight. hundred men in the army, now encamped about five miles above us on the opposite side of the river. The prisoners say that there were but from twenty five hundred to three thousand men at Bejar after the AJamo was taken; of this number one thousand were sent to attack us al Gonzales, and the remainder were sent to retake Goliad. Of the army opposed lo us al Beason's, from two to three hundred are cavalry, and the remainder infantry, with two small pie'ces of cannon; this body are under the command of Gen. Siezma. An attack has been made on them, I think, ere this, and if it has, who can doubt of the result? Circumstances rendered it necessary that wc should retreat from Gonzales, but our army now will never leave the Colorado, but to go westward, & every day will bring news of a fresh victory, until not a Mexican Soldier, opposed to us, can be found this side of the Rio Grande! Let but the men of Texas turn out, with arms in their hands, resolved to be Free or Die! and their families will be as safe here as on the other side of the Sabine. John Sharp. P.S. On my way down I met several small companies pushing on for our camp, and those that came from the Eastward report from 300 to 500 men on their way from that quarter. [2446] [URREA to TOLSA AND SESMAJ Ejcrcito de operaciones. - Division sobre las colonias sublevadas. - En copia tengo el honor de pasar a manos de V. S. la orden que se ha servido comunicarme S. E el general en gefe, sobrc los puntos en donde debc operar la division de mi mando. El clia 29 <lei presente cmprendo la marcha, y para el 3 o 4 del procsimo Abril me hallare por Matagorda, pasanclo luego a delante. Espero quc V. S. me dirija sus comunicaciones por aquel rumbo para que ambas seccioncs obren en combinacion como lo previeno S. E., y como tambien sera mas ventajosa la campana que se hace a los enermgos. Sirvase V. S. poner en conocimiento <lei Sr. general D. Josquin Ramirez Y sesma y <lei Sr. general D. Antonio Gaona, (de los Sres gencrales D. Eugenio Tolsa, y D. Jose Antonio Gaona) los


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