Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

(2442) [WHARTON to SMITH]

Nashville, Tenn., l\ 1 Iarch 26, 1836.

To his Excellency Henry Smith:

Dear Friend.-1 am extremely proud in being able to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from your honored self, the contents of which filled .me with great mortification and astonishment? To think a people so blessed as the Texians with climate, soil and many other natural advantages, should be disposed to throw any obstacles in the way of obtaining their liberty, without which all other blessings are rendered naught! I ·cannot conjecture what can be their object. fa it pecuniary? Common sense would teach them that their property, whatever it might consist in, would be worth many times as much under a settled government. I hope by this time you have declared your independence. If so, all is well, for you will then have the support and sympathy of this country, with which and a just cause, we have nothing to fear. I fell every confidence that Texas is destined soon to be a great and happy country. I congratulate you on the happiness that you will enjoy in your old age, (should you be thus blessed), in reflecting on your being greatly instrumental in securing the liberties of a great and happy people. You have doubtless heard of the arrival of Senor Gorosliza, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from Mexico to these United States. This is a special mission, which will not in any way interfere with the Minister of Mexico, resident in Washington, as the envoy himself asserts. I enclose you three numbers of "Curtius." They were written by Mr. Wharton and ·they will show you his feelings on the subject. If the convention should be so blind to their own interests as not to declare independence, would it not be well to recall the commissioners? They would go home armed with so many powerful proofs of the necessity that it would at once insure it, and what can they do here without a declaration! I regret to learn that Col. Austin's politics have had such a bad effect. I am more charitable towards him than you are. I


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