Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

Kosciusko is getting ready for sea-She will be prepared to sail hy Wednesday, but will detain her until Saturday. She must go then. Capt. Harris, however, has lately despatched an English Vessel, laying in the Bay for a load of provisions & ordered the agents there to send it down! Why or wherefore Capt H. has taken the responsibility upon himself he will be enabled lo tell you, no doubt!! I doubt much the vessel, ever returning again-and if she does, hardly with Govt. stores in Capt Harris' order! Besides the agents have no funds there they write-and if they had, would they respect an order of the kind from any and every body who might order? I find my stock of goods so much reduced that I cannot furnish but a part of the articles ordered by Govt. in some cases your private order, however, I believe is filled. Should the rifle not please send it back. It is wanted elsewhere-and indeed article sent can be returned if not of quality & kind to please. I only send a part of the arms ordered. But I send all I have-Save shot guns & Cavalry swords and a few pair of Co. Belt Pistols. As the steam Boat will return soon, I hope, canl you come down and spend a few days with me? It will recruit your health depend on it. What further is concluded on about the purchase of the Flash? Let me know soon as practicable. I ,vill try and go to Hsburg on Thursday if possible. It is not certain however. In the meantime be assured of my good wishes for your better health, and that I am, with every respect. Most truly yours to Serve J. Morgan [to Samuel P. Carson] (2438] [MOSELEY to MOSELEY]

Steamer Caspian above Alexandria March 26th 1836

My dear Mary Anna

I left New Orleans on board this boat the day on which I . wrote your Mother and have had quite a prosperous trip this far with a crowd of passengers. We reached Alexandria this morning about day light and staid only a few hours. I sent the letter given me by Mrs. Jamison to her brother John B. Scott with a note on the back that I was on board the Caspian in a short time he called to sec me and invited me to sec him which I had of course to


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