Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

to render him in furthering his viewswillbegratefully acknowledged by your very Obt Servant A. Brigham To His Excellency David G Burnett Harrisburgh P. S. Necessity compels me to see my son S. B. Brigham of Matagorda. I hope your Excellency will have the goodness to excuse me three days longer than what was anticipated, on that account. Yours




Brazoria March 26 1836

To the Hon Pres't & Cabinet

Gent.- Major Brigham informs me that you wish a removal of the printing Press to Harrisburg, which I am ready to do at any moment you will send, provided you can procure the steam boat. I think you had better send it immediately round, as I am compelled to remove my family at the same time.

I have the honor to to be your obt servt. in haste F. C. Gray

[addressed:] To the Hon President & Cabinet of the Republic of Texas Per Maj. Brigham


Army Order Camp near Beason 26 March 1836 Colo Wallace 'will notify all persons that the Army is moving out of the post oaks, and probably may fall back towards the Brazos. Troops coming from lower country after today ought to fall back on Columbia, and the mouth of the river as well as supplies. I wish no persons to fall into Enemys hands on surprise. The Army will march slowly. Great caution should be used. Sam Houston Com. in Chief Let the Troops arriving at Matagorda act in defence of the coast.


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