Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

unless you may wal to run your family to the Uniled States or for the East

Alexr. E. Pattonn

[Endorsed:] Esqr. Killgore Brazoria.

[2430] [SAGE to PRESIDENT]

Harrisburg 25th March 1836

To his Excellency the President and members of the Cabinet Gentm. The undersigned would most respectfully represent that he has been for the last twelve months engaged in soliciting families to emigrate to Texas, and has succeeded beyond his most saf\,auine expectations; he was induced to the labor by Mr. Anthony Day of New York. In consequence of representations, made to him by said Day, he purchased Script, emenating from the Galveston Bay and Texas Land Company of which said Day is one of the altornies and trustees, to the amount of one thousand dollars, which Script I have ascertained, since coming to this Country, is of no value and, after a patient and labored examination of the Country, I have determined to make Texas my home for life, and should have been engaged at this time in bringing those familes, above spoken of, with my own to the Country; but, in consequence of the war, I was induced to postpone it for the present, and as I am anxious to aid the cause of Texas to the utmost of my feeble abilities, I would respectfully suggest to your honorable body, that if it should meet the views of your body, that I would return immediately to New York and solicit men and means for the defence of the Country; having every confidence that I can bring one hundred men armed and equipped. It is not office that I seek, but the good of the Country, and I only ask of you authority to solicit men and means that I can induce others to embark in the cause. Your early action upon the subject would much oblige. Yours respectfully, Charles Saae 0


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