Harrisburg 25th March 1836
To the Honl. the President and members of the Cabinet Gentlemen ·
Being ahout to leave for the United States with the intention of procuring on my own account and forwarding to this Country, Bread stuffs, clothing and such other articles as are necessary for the comfort and sustenance of our suffering families, who have been forced to leave their homes on the frontiers, and of our gallant Army, I am induced to offer my services to the Ggvernment, at the same time, in purchasing such articles as they may order for our Army.- Having been long, and somewhat extensively engaged in mercantile business, both in this country and the United States, with my acquaintance among the merchants and manufacturers, in the principal cities of the United States, I believe that I might purchase on advantageous terms to the Government- perhaps on credit. If the Government should think proper to confide any business of the kind to my charge, it will be cheerfully and promptly attended to. I have the honor to be Gentleman,
Your Obedient Servant John McMullen
Velascoe 25th, March 1836.
Mr. Kilgore
Mr. M. B. Lamar has just arrived on the Schooner Flash and has no means of getting hence ,vithout the use of my horse; you will please therefore let him have the nag I left with you, as he is anxious to visit the army, and oblige you &c Alexr. E. Patton the hors will probably be of but little use to you as you will probably move to Velasco or at least you will have but little use
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