[2427) [JONES to CARSON]
Post Office Department San Felipe March 25th 1836
Your letter of yesterday's dale has just been recd now half past 3 O'clock. I am requested, by the Cabinet to be at the seat of Government on tomorrow which for reasons which I have given in a letter, just written to the Honl. Secretary at War to which I beg leave to refer you, will be out of my power to do but on the day following I will be in Harrisburg. So well am I satisfied of the folly of the prevailing panic, that on my return from Washington where I had the pleasure of first seeing you, I recrossed my family &e. who, during my absence had packed up and sent across the Brazos, a wagon learn provisions &c, &c. waiting my return to join them in the "Sabine Shute." I will respectfully suggest to the cabinet the propriety of taking measures to prevent unnecessary alarming and dangerous reports being made and industriously circulated. Col. P......., I am informed (for I did not see him) came in late last night and stated among other things that there was a great dissatifaction among the men in the army-that they were scarce of provisions, their force inconsiderable &c. &e., all which you ,vill see tend to min our cause and country, and none of which, in my opinion, is founded in truth. This is confidentially communicated and is intended for the cabinet alone. I am very Respectfully Your most Obt. Servt. Jno R Jones P. M. Genl (Addressed:] Hol. S. A. Carson
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