Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2413) [CARSON to JONES]

State Dept. l\'larch 24 1836.

To John R. Jones Post Master General Dr Sir.

The Secretary of war wrote you yesterday and with other requests desired your attendance here as soon as possible. I am desired by the cabinet to renew that request by an extra mail which we despatch to day at 3 oclock P.M. You will be expected by the 26th Inst. and we hope nothing will interpose to prevent your arrival. A daily line of Expresses between this place and the Army must be established, as the increased facilities of communication with other points. The cabinet believes there is no necessity for the panic which seems to pervade the public at this time & they hope that all good citizens will do what they can to allay it With much respect & Consideration, I"have the honor to be your Obt. Servant. Sam P. Carson

A true copy of the original· Thos. H. Hill Ch. Clk. S.Dept.

[2414) [HOUSTON to ROYALL]

Camp near Beason's, March 24, 1836. To Hon. R. R. Royal, Chairman of the Committee at l\fatagorda Sir: Your letter under date of !\'larch 18th, is received. All the means you can command ought to be employed for the protection of the country, and families. Anything that can be done to this effect will meet my approbation. All the troops that can be raised I wish placed at my .disposal, as on the Colorado I make my stand, and it is deemed necessary to concentrate all the effective force at this point for the present. Having the greatest confidence that with the means you can control, you can defend that point, even in case of an attack, J have the honor, &c. Sam Houston.


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