Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

que directa o indirectamente hayan tornado parte o complicadose en la rebcJjon, pues estos deberan ser castigados sin contemplacion, y le reencargo a V. que se aprehenclan y remitan a este cuartel general a tales delincuentes, escepto los que se cojan con las armas en la mano que han de ser castigados en el acto, con arreglo a lo mandado por el Supremo Gobierno. - Dicte V. sus ordenes para que el coronel Davis procccla sin perclida de tiempo a fortificar el puerto de! Copano segun las instrucciones que le he dado, y a V. he comunicado. Los viveres que se tomen al enemigo serviran para esa division y para los destacamentos de Goliad y el Copano. - Repito a V. mi enhorabuena, y mande a su affmo. amigo y muy seguro servidor que su M. B. - Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna. [2410) [URREA to SANTA ANNA] [Jose Urrea, Victoria, to Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, March 23, 1836, announcing the surrender of Colonel Ward and a force of 90 men on the previous day.] [2411) [BORDEN to BURNET]

San Felipe 24th March 1836.

His Excy D. G. Burnet

Mr. McKinney informs me, that the expediency and great importance of adopting some means by which funds can be raised for the immediate and pressing emergency, had already been taken into consideration by the present executive government, and that it had been proposed to solicit individuals to give in real sale, a certain quantity of land, to be disposed of as the authorities shall think best calculated to raise funds for the present necessities of the Country. In this measure I will cheerfully render every support. Subscriptions, and unavailable funds will do good. The man who give $100 in hand contributes more to our independence than he does, who subscribes $ I 000 to be paid a year after. I understand the plan to be, that should a person give u certain tract of land, being a part of a larger tract, the portion thus


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