Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

de la campana, para que no Uegue a entropercerse en la procsima estacion de las aguas. Asi mismo, esta V. S. en Ia necesi<lacl de proporcionarse los viveres y demas recursos que puecla quitarle al enemigo; puel? la carencia absoluta de la proveeduria general, lo pone en la precision de proporcionarse por alla, los ausilios para la subsistencia y conservacion de sus subordinados. Todo lo fio a la actividad y buen desempeno de V. S., en cuya confianza lo elegi para conducir a la victoria la respetable y valiente seccion de su manclo. · Dios y libertad. Cuartel general de Bejar, Marzo 23 de 1836. - Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna. - Sr. general D. Joaquin Ramirez y Sesma, comandante de la seccion de operaciones sobre San Felipe. (2408] [SANTA ANNA to URREA]

To General Urrea, &c.--

Under date of the present, I have stated to the

commandant of the post of Goliad, as follows:-

By a communication made to me by Colonel D. F. Garay, of that place, I am informed that there have been sent to you by General Urrea, two hundred and thirty-fo1ir prisoners, taken in the action of Encinal del Perdido (<;::oleta), on the 19th and 20th of the present month; and as the supreme government has ordered that all foreigners taken with arms in their hands, making war upon the nation, shall be treated as pirates, I have been surprised that the circular of the said supreme government has not been fully complied with in this particular; I therefore order, that you should give immediate effect to the said ordinance in respect to all those foreigners who have yielded to the force of arms, having had the audacity to come and insult the republic, to devastate with fire and sword, as has been the case in Goliad, causing vast detriment to our citizens; in a word, shedding the precious blood of Mexican citizens, whose only crime has been their fidelity to their country. I trust that, in reply to this, you will inform me that public vengence has been satisfied by the punishment of such detestable delinquents. I transcribe the said decree of the government for your guidance, and that you may strictly fulfil the same, in the


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