means of the counlry in securing supplies, and removing the families, and placing them on the easl side of the Colorado. You have much discretion left wilh you, and I hope you will employ it to the best advantage for the preservation of the country. Of the army al this point, and in the neighborhood, Mr. Noble can tell you. The enemy are about fifteen miles from us. Their force is supposed Lo be only about a thousand. Reinforcements are arriving daily, and more on the nuch. Sam Houston
one hundred and fifty or two hundred men. H. (2403) [KERR to BURNET]
San Felipe de Austin 23rd March 1836.
His Excellency David G. Burnet President of the Republic of Texas, Harrisburg Sir
Desirous of contributing, in an efficient manner, to the cause of my Counlry, by throwing in a mite towards alleviating the pecuniary wants of the same, I hereby place at the free disposal of the Government, subject to whatever arrangements and conditions may be adopted, one quarter league of good land, situate in DeWitt Colony on the Guadalupe and forming part of a league deeded to Mr. Staff from whom I acquired it. Permit me, Mr. President, to congratulate you on your elevation to the high office of guiding the destinies of our new born Republic, and to present to you my ardent wishes for a successful career. I remain respectfully your Excellency's Obt humble Servant James Kerr
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