Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2400] [HOCKLEY to RUSK]

Headquarters of the Army, Camp near Beason's, March 23, 1836. Sir: The commander-in-chief of lhe army directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the ·19th inst., and inform you that he slill maintains the position at this place, commanding the crossing of the Colorado at Mosely's, above Beason's, and A tasco silo below, and thal he intends to remain stationary, unless offensive operations shall be justified by circumstances or reinforcements. Captain Teal, of the regulars, with his command, arrived here yesterday; and a small detachment of volunteers, reinforcements, and supplies, are hourly expected. The party of spies, named in the communication to the war department, have been constantly on the alert. The company stationed at Mosely's have captured three of the enemy, who are now on their way to camp. The enemy are undoubtedly near to the opposite bank, and will probably soon attempt crossing the Colorado; but, from our present position, we can effectually command any point at which he may attempt it. A detachment of two hundred men are now at Mosely's crossing. The camp will be reformed in a thick wood on the bank of the river, and in a position highly favorable for observation and defence, its present flanks and front being well protected by felled trees, brush, and timber. The general further directs me to state the good order and discipline which have been observed since Lhe formation of this encampment. The strict silence at night, the obedience and discipline now maintained, are unexampled in any troops of like description, and highly creditable to the officers and men. We have now upward of seven hundred men, and not one of them on the sick-list, but all in high spirits, and anxious to meet the foe. One wagon, with arms, ammunition, &c., has just arrived, which has increased their anxiety and confidence, as they now find the promised supplies. The army are much in need of good horses; and, if sabres and pistols could be forwarded, we could furnish the material for an efficient corps of cavalry.


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