[2394] [CHRISTY to ELLIS]
New Orleans 22nd March 1836
To the Honorable Richard Ellis, President of the Convention of Texas Sir
I had the honor yesterday of receiving your Order of the 6th Instant to purchase the Steamer David Brown:-She is in port, and I should have given immediate attention to it, but for the existence of the fact that a Steam Vessel has been purchased in New York by Mr. Yeatman for the use of the Government of Texas, and which is expected here every hour, a circumstance of which the Convention appears not lo have been apprised:-immediately on her arrival, she will be sent off, with such supplies as we may think you stand most in need of. I infer from the language in which the order to me is given, that you are not aware of the extent of the supplies which have been forwarded, and which, I trust will have reached you before this, which circumstance will shew you that your friends here will do their duty. As regards the further supply of volunteers, I do not think that you can calculate upon any number, with certainly, until the arrival of the corps of Cavalry, now being raised, and referred to in my letter to your Acting Governor, a copy of which is herewith enclosed.-! am a sanguine man, but I do not believe that you will find that relief in volunteers from the United States that you might expect from the reports you may hear, and the proffers you have or may receive even through your commissioners, who were in Louisville, the last I heard of them:-1 therefore advise that you should rely almost entirely upon your own resources in the way of ra1smg men:-everything else may be procured from our country:-if my advice be taken time will shew whether I am a true or a false prophet. The declaration of Independence will have a very powerful influence in your favour, but you will find that nine out of Ten who may Emigrate to Texas hereafter will go there, not to fight its Battles, but to profit by its necessities. The few of us who have
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