(2390) [RUSK to HALL I
War Department 21st of March 1836
To WarrenD C Hall
Sir On the arrival of the Cabinet at Harrisburg the commission of ------ General will be made out and forwarded to you in making this appointment the President and Cabinet have acted without any knowledge of your views on the subject and altogether in reference to the public good your known energyance promptitude of action have been the motive for making this appointment and when it is recollected that so much depends in our most critical situation upon the prompt discharge of the duties · of that office it is earnestly hoped you will not decline the appointment. Two six pound field pieces have been placed at the desposition of the Government by Gentleman of the name of Smith and as they are much needed at the Army you will dispatch them to Head Quarters as early as practicable. You will also procure and forward all the ammunition and arms which can be procured as powder and lead are •···-- in the army Mr McKinney informs us he has some six· pound balls By order of the President
-··-·-E Rusk Sec of War
(2391) [URREA to SANTA ANNA]
Minister of War and Marine Central Section Desk No. 1. Division of Operations Most Excellent Sir:
On the 19th Inst., the Fort of Goliad was abandoned by the enemy after an attempt to fight this division. The said fortress is therefore, at the disposal of the supreme government. The leader, Fannin, and his companions with more than three hundred soldiers [who capitulated] that were garrisoning the said fortress are
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