ll is understood between us and Mr McK-Lhat he file with you a bond with adequate Security, so indemnify the government against any error or other contingency that may accrue from this irregular proceedings-We are compelled to have an immediate supply, which can only be obtained through the present arrangemenl- Your prompt attention lo this subject is requested-We shall be happy to greet you at Harrisburg- Yours truly David G Burnet By the President Sam P Carson Secy of State [Addressed:] Hon. Bailey Hardeman, Matagorda [2386] [FERNANDEZ to FRIEND] [Francisco Vital Fernandez, Matamoros, to a Friend, March 21, 1836, giving a brief account of the occupation of Goliad by Urrea and a report of the battle of Coleta.] [2387) [HOCKLEY to RUSK]
Head Quarters, Army of Texas, Camp near Beason's, 21st :March, 1836.
Hon. Thomas J. Rusk, Secretary of War.
Sir, I am ordered by the Commander in Chief to acknowledge the receipt of your l~tters of 16 & 17 Inst-and lo inform you of the movement of the army to this place. I have also the pleasure to add that yesterday a detachment of our spies under Capt. Karnes, fell in with a reconnoitering part of the enemy, at Rocky Creek, about twenty miles from this place, consisting of 12 men. They were immediately pursued and one man killed, one taken prisoner, and three Bourses captured with some arms and a pair of Saddle Bags containing a small porlin of clothing belonging to some one murdered in the Alamo. Captain Karnes had with him at the time but five men. The prisoner stales that more than a thousand men are now on their march to this point, and will probably be near us tonight. A detachment of the army of the
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