Art. 2nd. That the wounded and their commander Fannin should .be treated with all the consideration possible, since we propose to surrender all our arms. Art. 3d. All the detachment shall be treated as prisoners of war and placed al the disposal of the Supreme Government. Camp on the Coleto between Guadalupe and La Bahia. March 20, 1836. B. C. Wallace, (Major), J. M. Chadwick, (Adjutant. Ap- proved, J. W. Fannin, (Commander). l Added by Urrea] : When the white flag was raised by the enemy, I ordered their leader to be informed that I could have no other agreement than that they should surrender at discretion, without any other condition, and this was agreeded to by the persons stated above; the other petitions which the subscribers of this surrender make will not be granted. I told him this, and they agreed to it, for I must not, nor can I, grant anything else.
[2378) [GAINES to RUSK et al.]
March 20th 1836
Messrs Secretaries Rusk Potter and Hardeman
Gentlemen I wrote his Excellency the President last night after which arrive at this place(Suq Robins) a number of our members which have been absquattulated to the Southerd and Eastward to evade the responsibility of the main road. Among them is John W. Hall and company reported on government business. It apears curious that at this important crisis so many men should continue be sent to the Eastward on government business. I thought that the Great Chief had gone ahead with such powers He stated that no doubt Goliad had shard the same fate of the alamo before this, the people are breaking to the Eastward and the Upper Country, and was at the point of leaving every where. I stopd at every house with a view to pacify them and hope I have succeeded. I am told Houston has sent another Express and that the alamo had actually fallen. I repent lo you the necessity of keeping a company of spies on the Western Frontier bound lo report daily so as to prevent the circulation of so many falsehoods. If we suffer them lo continue Texas is mined. I fear we arc viscously infested with land pirates who circulate these desperate reports.
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