Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

Bryan , agents at that place; he stated to them (Hall & Bryan) that he had expended all the money which he had, and that his men must have provisions to eat until they could be shipped to Texas, and the said Hall & Bryan replied that they would do nothing for them, that if they had lo be provided for he must do it himself; and that the men remained two days without any thing to eat except a box of rotten Fish, which were not touch by the men until we left New Orleans, which in consequence of thier offensics Smith were ordered by Capt Allen lo be thrown overboard, in consequence of which sixteen men deserted at New Orleans- We also heard Mr Hall say to Lt Smith, that if his men were disposed to leave to let them go, that he had turned off a great many who had made application to be sent to Texas Given under our hands this 20th March 1836 Henry Perry Brewster

William P. Tindall David Richardson Thos M. Farley R W Montgomery

[2375] [BURNET to LAMAR]

Executive Department Republic of Texas March 20th 1836

To John T Lamar Esq Sir

The Convention, of the Delegates of the people of Texas, entertaining a high respect for your character, abitities, and reposing perfect confidence in your patriotic devotion to the interests of the Republic, have authorized me, by a special resolution, to commission you, as Agent of this Government, to proceed, forthwith, to the Southern and Western portion of our Mother Republic of the United States of America, that is to say, to the States of Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina, for the purpose of procuring aid in men, money and munitions of war, for the use of this Government. I, therefore, David G. Burnet, President of the Republic of Texas, reposing special trust and confidence in your honor,


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