Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

Believing that Texas now presents herself in the noble attitude Lhat appeals forcibly for aid to the friends of public liberty, I am willing to cast my destiny with hers if I can be allowed to carry with me a power and force sufficient to render some service to her in the present crisis- I can and will bring with me the chivalry of Tennessee, but I must have power to do it. If your Government agree to this proposition you will please give all the papers, vouchers and authority to Col. Watterson who accompanies Col. Williams-Col. Watterson will give you my views in detail- You will also furnish the means or authority to draw on your Government-or something by which I may get Credit to furnish my troops-This part I will leave to Col Williams to present and regulate for me- In my power to raise troops you had helter specify the term of service-say 12 months or during the war if not sooner discharged. You will please specify the number and grade of the Officers to the Regiments, Battalions &c. I suppose the regulation of the United States Army will be your guide-You will also please state the bounty and pay to the Officers and Soldiers- I think the greater part of those who will go with me will become citizens of your country this will be very important, and ought not there to be a difference in the bounty of land, between those who enroll and become citizens and those only who go for a tour or a term without such intention- So far as I am concerned I agre,e to serve without any bounty or any pay, having my expenses only defrayed-I do not wish to be understood as an adventurer for land or money, and if I had no other incentive I would stay at home. I write you in haste and refer you to Cols. WiIJiams and Watterson for all farther particulars Please let me hear from you as soon as possible I am ready to go forthwith to Tennessee, and will delay in Mississippi until Col. Walterson returns- May Heaven grant Texas as well as all mankind their freedom is the prayer of Your humble Servant R. G. Dunlap


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