Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5

[2366) [BURNET to MENARD]

[March 19, 1836]

To M. B. Menard Esqr Sir

You have been selected as the most suitable person to be found in Texas, for the transactions of business that is equally important and delicate. The government reposes an unlimited confidence in your patriotism and intelligence and are sensible that no other citizen is as fully qualified as yourself to discharge the interesting duties of your appointment. It is a matter of great important to Secure the entire neutrality at least, of the Indian tribes generally, and especially of Such of them as have migrated from the north-your experience in Indian affairs renders it very desireable to have the benefit of Your agency in effecting this object. Accompanying this You will receive Your commission and I hope You will make it convenient to proceed with all dispatch to the place of operations-Your known familiarity with the peculiarities of the Indian character induces the government to invest You with much discretionary power: But I must enjoin it upon you to avoid with great caution entering into any Specific treaty relating to boundaries, that may compromit the interests of actual settlers-It may very plausibly and justly be represented to the Chiefs, that we are too much occupied at this time, to negociate positive treaties-the ample justice Shall be rendered to them as Soon as the foreign relations of the Country are adjusted or a peaceable footing-and that lands adequate to their wants will be fully granted for their exclusive use. You are authorised to draw on the War Department for any Sum or Sums not exceeding Two Thousand dollars-It is believed the merchants of Nacogdoches will accept your drafts in payment of goods. You will employ such amount within the 2000$ as Your judgment may deem adviseable in presents to the chiefs and headmen of the General Tribes, provided You first ascertain that the distribution of such presents would contribute to the object of your mission.


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