I shall raise a company of spies to-morrow, lo range the country from this to Gonzales. Send all the good horses you can get for the army. If possible, let it be done speedily; and send ammunition for fifteen hundred men; but first send eight hundred men. I will do everything in my power for Texas Sam Houston P.S. It is reported that General Woll, an Englishman is to head the army into the colonies. I entertain the belief that Santa Anna has returned to Mexico, but it will not be known to the troops. In the attack upon the Alamo, the ramparts were swept twice, and the enemy as often repulsed; but Santa Anna was by, and urged the troops. He was not in danger. There was not a man in the Alamo but what, in his death, honored the proud name of an American. Let the men of Texas avenge their deaths! Rouse the Redlanders to battle! Ratify the Indian treaty; and let the Comanches be approached, and their friendship secured. A campaign from St. Louis, by way of Santa Fe, might be set on foot against Chihuahua. Remember Coxe's point, Dimit's landing, and Copano. They are important. I know that the government will do all in its power for the army. We want arms, and need stationary.
(2353) [RUSK to BRISCOE)
War Department Washington 17th March 1836
Captain A. Briscoe
You are hereby authorized & commanded to proceed forthwith to organize a company of Rangers or Spies and observe the approach of the enemy and to communicate every day with this Department if necessary directing your communications to Harrisburgh. By order of the President of the Republick.
Thomas J. Rusk Secretary of War
[San Jacinto Muscum of I-I istory]
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