he would not obey anything but a Constitutional officer. In consequence of the unsettled arid turbulent state of the Country, your Commissioner believed it would be better to await the action of the Convention, before they attempted to take the documents attached to the different offices. Your Commissioner begs leave, respectfully, to slate that, by an ordinance of the General Council, the Commissioners were authorized to draw for means to pay the expenses incident to their mission, provided that the amount drawn did not exceed five hundred dollars. In conformity with that Ordinance Mr. J. Forbes and myself drew two hundred dollars from the Treasury, of which amount I kept one hundred dollars and Mr. Forbes kept the other hundred dollars. The hundred dollars drawn for my use is the only money I have received from Government, and I have been in the service of it since the 7th of October last and have paid out several hundred dollars. This statement is not made with the desire of asking for any funds, but that my true situation may be known. In conclusion, I am ready at any moment to give a more detailed statement if required by your Excellency, of all my official acts, and beg, respectfully, to say, that if my services are not actually needed for the purpose of closing the mission, I ask, respectfully to be discharged from further duty and hold my commission subject to your order. Having the true interest of Texas at heart, I am now and hope ever to be ready lo serve my Country in any capacity, in which I can be most servicable, and if, in the discharge of my duty, I have in anywise acted incorrectly, I hope your Excellency will ascribe it to the true cause, to wit, want of experience as a public officer. With sentiments of the highest consideration, I have the honor to be your Excellency's truly obt. Servt S. H. Everitt, Comr. for Closing Land Offices
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