Mar 6 1836 to Apr 20 1836 - PTR, Vol. 5


SEC. 5. The president shall issue writs of election directed to the officers authorized to hold elections of the several counties, requiring them to cause an election to be held for president, vice president, representatives, and senators Lo congress, at the time and mode prescribed by this constitution, which election shall be conducted in the manner that elections have been heretofore conducted. The president, vice president, and members of congress, when duly elected, shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices for the time and manner prescribed by this constitution, until their successors be duly qualified. SEC. 6. Until the first enumeration shall be made, as directed by this constitution, the precinct of Austin shall be entitled to one representative; the precinct of Brazoria to two representatives; the precinct of Bexar two representatives; the precinct of Colorado one representative; Sabine one; Gonzales one; Goliad one; Harrisburg one; Jasper one; Jefferson one; Liberty one; Matagorda one; Mina two; Nacogdoches two; Red River three; Victoria one; San Augustine two; Shelby two; Refugio one; San Patricio one; Washington two; Milam one; and Jackson one representative. SEC. 7. Until the first enumeration can be made, as described by this constitution, the senatorial djstricls shall he composed of the following precincts: Bexar shall be entilled to one senator; San Patricio, Refugio and Goliad one; Brazoria one; Mina and Gonzales one; Nacogdoches one; Red River one; Shelby and Sabine one; Washington one; Matagorda, Jackson and Victoria one; Austin and Colorado one; San Augustine one; Milam one; Jasper and Jefferson one; and Liberty and Harrisburg one senator. SEC. 8. All judges, sheriffs, commissioners, and other civil officers shall remain in office, and in the discharge of the powers and duties of their respective offices, until there shall be others appointed or elected under the constitution. GENERAL PROVISIONS. SEC. 1. Laws shall be made to exclude from office, from the right of suffrage, and from serving on juries, those who shall hereafter be convicted of bribery, perjury, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. SEC. 2. Returns of all eleetions for officers who are to be commissioned by the president, shall be made to the secretary of state of this republic. SEC. 3. The presidents and heads of departments shall keep their offices al the seat of government, unless removed by the permission of congress, or unless in cases of emergency in time of war, the public interest may require their removal.


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