number of ci lizens -having in consequence assembled. R. M. Poller was elected chairman of the meeting and F. J. Wells Secretary, and the meeting went into deliberation On motion of Gen! T. J Green it was Resolved.- "That a committee of five, to be called the Committee of vigilence and Safety be appointed whose duty it shall he to take measures for the defence of the place and especially to collect funds by subscription for that object, and to appropriate the same to the purchase of ammunition, of the reconstruction of the battery, and the mounting of guns; and that the said committee be authorized to correspond with the Secretary of war, to transmit to him a copy of the proceedings of this meeting and to solicit such aid as the Department may deem honored to give." In pursuance of this resolution T. J Green, Jeremiah Brown, T. G. Hoskins Robt. D. Moore and Joseph Ritchie were appointed members of the committee of Vigilence & Safety. A subscription was then opened and the Sum of three hundred and Five dollars was subscribed by the Company present, after which the meeting adjourned, leaving the junds, and the subscription still open in the hands of the Committee Reuben M. Potter Chairman Velasco 6th March 1836. [2260) [CARLETON to FORSYTH] New Orleans, March 7, 1836. Sir: On the receipt of your communication of the 5th ultimo, I called on Mr. William Christy, and exhibited to him the letter of J. W. Cramp, printed in the Oswego Palladium, of the 20th January last. .He expressed a willingness to appear before some judge, and respond to any proceedings that might be instituted against him. This mode I accordingly adopted, as the most effectual to elicit the truth. Though many witnesses were examined, nothing was proved upon the accused that could warrant further prosecution. In the course of the investigation before Judge Rawle, which continued five days, disclosures were made directly implicating General Mexia (Mehia) for beginning, setting on foot, and preparing the means for a military expedition against the republic of Mexico, which terminated in an attack upon Tampico,
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