SEC. 12. All elections shall be by ballot, unless congress
shall otherwise direct.
SEC. 13. AJI elections by joint vote of both houses of congress shall be viva voce, shall be entered on the journals, and a majorily of the votes shall be necessary to a choice. SEC. 14. A vice president shall be chosen at every eleclion for president, in the same manner, continue in office for Lhe same time, and shall possess the same qualifications of the president. In voting for president and vice president, the eleclors shall distinguish for whom they vote as president, and for whom as vice president. SEC. 15. In cases of impeachment, removal from office, death, resignal.ion, or absence of the presidenl from the republic, the vice presiclenl shall exercise the powers and discharge the du ties of the president until a successor be duly qualified, or until the president, who may be absent or impeached, shall return or be acquitted. SEC. 16. The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the republic, shall be removable from office by impeachment for, and on conviction of, treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors. SCHEDULE. SEC. l. That no inconvenience may arise from the adop- tion of this constitution, it is declared by this convention that all laws now in force in Texas, and not inconsistent with this consituttion, shall remain in full force until delcared void, repealed, altered, or expire by their own limitation. SEC. 2. All fines, penalties, forfeitures and escheals, which have accrued to Coahuila and Texas, or Texas, shall accrue to this republic. SEC. 3. Every male citizen, who is, by this constitution, a citizen, and shall be otherwise qualified, shall be entitled to hold any office or place of honor, trust, or profit under Lhe republic, anything in this constitution to the contrary notwithstanding. SEC. 4. The first president and vice presidenl thal shall be appointed after the adoption of this constitution, shall be chosen by this convention, and shaJI immedialely enter on the duties of their offices, and shall hold said offices until their successors be elected and qualified, as prescribed in this constitution, and shall have the same qualifications, be invested with the same powers, and perform the same du ties which are required and conferred on lhe executive head of Lhe republic by Lhis constil.ution.
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