SEC. 22. The style of the laws of the republic shall be, "Be it enacted bv the senate and house of representatives of the republic of Texas, in.congress assembled." SEC. 23. No person holding an office of profit under the uovernment shall be eliuible to a seal in either house of congress, ~or shall any member or°either house be eligible to any office which may created, or the profits of which shall be increased during his term of sen~ce. SEC. 24. No holder of public monies or collector thereof, shall be eligible lo a :seat in either house of congress, until he shall have fully acquitted himself of all responsibility, and shall produce the proper officer's receipt thereof. Members of either house may protest against any act or resolution, and may have such protest entered on the journals of their respective houses. SEC. 25. No money shall be drawn from the public treasury but in strict accordance with appropriations made by law; and no appropriations shall be made for private or local purposes, unless two thirds of each house concur in such appropriations. SEC. 26. Every act of congress shall be approved and signed by the president before it becomes a law; but if the president will not approve and sign such act, he shall return it to the house in which it shall have originated, with his reasons for not approving the same, which shall be spread upon the journals of such house, and the bill shall then be reconsidered, and shall not become a law unless it shall then pass by a vote of two thirds of both houses. If any act shall be disapproved by the president, the vote on the reconsideration shall be recorded by ayes and noes. If the president shall fail to return a bill within five days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented for his approval and signature, the same shall become a law, unless the congress prevent its re~urn within the time above, specified by adjournment. . SEC. 27. All bills, acts, orders, or resolutions, to which the concurrence of both houses may be necessary, (motions or resolutions for adjournment excepted,) shall be approved and signed by the president, or being disapproved, shall be passed by two thirds of both houses, in manner and form as specified in section twenty. ARTICLE II. SEC. 1. Congress shall have power to levy and collect taxes and imposts, excise and tonage duties; to borrow money on the faith, credit, and property of the government, to pay the debts and lo provide for the common defence and P'eneral welfare of the republic. 0
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