us be watchful, above all things, that that name shall not inflict a feeling of mortificalion on thal illustrious people from whom we have sprung, nor entail reproach on our own descendants. We are acting for posterity: and while, with a devout reliance on the God of battles, we shall roll back Lhc flood that threatens to deluge our borders, let us resent to the world such testimonials of our moral and political rectitide, as will. compel the respect, if not constrain the sympathies of other and older nations. Fellow citizens of Texas, the day and the hour has arrived, when every freeman must be up and doing his duty. The Alamo has fallen! The gallant few, who so long sustained it, have yielded to the overwhelming power of numbers; and if our intelligence be correct, they have perished in one indiscriminate slaughter. But they perished not in vain. The ferocious tyrant has purchased his triumph over one little bank of heroes at a costly price: and a few more such victories would bring down speedy ruin upon himself. Let us therefore, fellow citizens, take courage from this glorious disaster, and while the smoke from the funeral piles of our bleeding, burning brothers, ascends to Heaven, let us implore the aid of an incensed God, who abhors iniquity-who ruleth in righteousness: and, will avenge the oppressed.
David G. Burnet
[2347} [CONSTITUTION] Constitution of the Republic of Texas.
We, the people of Texas, in order to form a government, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence and general welfare; and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution. ARTICLE I. SECTION l. The powers of this government shall be divided into three departments, viz: legislative, executive and judicial, which shall remain forever separate an<l distinct. SEC. 2. The legislative power shall he vested in a senate and house of representatives, to be styled the congress or the republic of Texas.
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