Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

them such reasonable price for passage, as in your judgmc11 l should be proper, and if any should lake passage in said boat, with intention of entering into the service of Texas, they shall have their passage money refunded to them, on being received into the service; Any organized companies, who shall lake passage with you, regularly armed and equipped for the Texas service, shall also be further repaid for such arms and equipments, at a reasonable price, by the Go\'ernment, as soon as funds for that purpose, can be procurred to the public Treasury. You will have said Vessel cleared from the Custom House in New York, in your own name, as owner, and fully insured, and proceed direct to Galveston Bay, or any other port in Texas, and report yourself, and the vessel and passengers to the Governor of Texas, and present your accounts, supported by the proper vouchers, to be audited, and execute a sale of said vessel to the Government, and return her register to the City of New York. As dispatch is of the greatest importance, in executing the foregoing commission, you are advised to make every effort to sail from the City of New York, on or before the first day of March next. Your personal expenses on the journey will be allowed, and such reasonable compensation for your time, as the Government shall hereafter determine, on delivery of said vessel.

signed S. F. Austin B. T. Archer Commissioners of Texas

New Orleans January 21. 1836.

~Ir. A. J Yates Sir,

You are hereby authorized to draw on William Bryan, the General Agent of the Government of Texas, in the City of New Orleans, for the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, payable at the Bank of New Orleans, at the lime that the instalment hereafter to become due on the Loan negociated by the Commissioners, on the I Ith instant, shall become due, and you are lo account to the Government of Texas, for the proceeds of said draft, in conformity with the letter of Instructions, this day given your, by said Commissioners.

signed. F. F. Austin R. T. Archer Com missioners


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