Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

Deposited in said bank subject to the orders of Wm. Bryan agt. of Texas to provide for filling out the Schooner Independence

and other cash claims .....................10,000.00

retained by the Commissioners

for contingencies .........................1,708.50 $22,708.50 S. F. Austin Recd. on loan in N York ...........................$5000 June 14 Deposited with Wm. Bryan Texas agent in N. Orleans .....................$5000

[ 1869) [AUSTIN and ARCHER lo YATES)

New Orleans January 21st 1836.

MrAJ.Yales Sir

Your letter of the 16th instant, submitting an offer to proceed to New York, and purchase a Steam Vessel for the Government of Texas, has been received, and is accepted. In accordance with your proposal, you will receive herewith two hundred dollars, and a lcllcr of credit, pledging the faith of lhe Government of Texas, as we are authorized to do, for an amount nol exceeding twenty thousand dollars, to be paid out of the loan negocialed in New Orleans on lhe lllh instant, with which we wish you to proceed, with all possible dispatch, to the Cily of New York, and purchase a Steam Vessel of not more than three hundred Lons burthen, and one of two hundred tons would be much preferable, strong and substantially built lo bear heavy guns, say 18 pounders, and in every way fit for sea service. The objeel of this Steamers is to defend our coasts and harbours, from Mexican cmisers, and to facilitate the safe Lransportalion of troops, emigrants, and Lhe munitions of war, she is therefore to be provided with such armament of heavy cannon and small arms, as may be necessary to effect said object, and well commanded by experienced officers, sufficiently manned with seamen, gunncos &e, and s11pplied with munitions and provisions for at least three months. You will also advertise for passengers for Texas, and charge


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