Financial Slalement-(No. I) Dr. The Commissioners of Texas in a/c with the Treasury Department 1836 January 11. To amount of Loan of l lth January of$ L00,000. 10% ..................... . January I l. To donation of Messrs Yates and McIntyre, by A.J.Yates ................ . January 11. To Proceeds of Benefit from the Camp Street Theatre .................. . January 18. To Nett proceeds of Loan of L8th January $50,000 . .. . ............. . $20,000.00 125.00 150.00 40,000.00 $60,275.00 January 2 l To Balance on this day .................22,708.50 The original vouchers of the foregoing Account are
in the hands of the Commissioners E. E. New Orleans January 21. 1836 January 11. By draft of Dept. of Dec. 15,
1835,favr. of Jason Jerrel ................ . ... 270.00 Bart. Pages ............................... 867.00
January l l. Cash paid Capt. Brown of Schooner Liberty for seamcns wages-
(Jany. 7, 1836) ............................ 200.00
January l l. By Do. paid I. F. Wells, purser of
said Schooner Liberty ...................... 100.00
January 11. Do. paid Tickets at Benefit of the
Camp Street Theatre ....................... 150.00
January 11. Do retained by Commissioners
for private expences ........................ 600.00
January 11. Do paid A. Huston, Quarter Master
of Texas Army ........................... 7000.00
January l l. Do paid A. Huston, Quarter Master
for 250 hbls. flour ........... ........ ..... 2000.00
January 11. Do paid John A. Wharton,
Adutanl General ...... . ..... . ............. 4000.00
January 12. Do paid F. Wells, purser of Schooner
Liberty for outfit etc ...................... 2500.00
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