Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


Army of Operations E.xcellcnl Senor:

I am informed by your Excellency's official letter, of the 16th of this month, that your aide, Lieutenant Colonel D. Juan Cuevas, had advised you that on the 13th he would have been with Colonel D. Ricardo Dromundo, who is carrying the thirty thousand pesos to meet the emergency of the division of Generals Ramirez y Sesma and Cos. I hope that your Excellency will push the making of Lhe hardtack and the gathering of the food supplies possible, as well as the gathering of the horses, as you wrote me in the above-mentioned official letter, for which purpose your Excellency will cooperate with the Political Chief. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 20, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. Most Excellent Senor General of Division, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. I 1865 J [THORN to PUBLIC] Committee Room, Jan. 20, 1836 Whereas, on the 15th inst. certain Resolutions were adopted by this Committee, appointing a Committee to draft an appeal lo the citizens of the United States, friends of Liberty, to aid us in Bread Stuffs, &c., and appointing John S. Turner and William Bryan, of New Orleans, our agents in the place to receive and forward to Nachilochcs subject to the order of the Chairman of this Committee such donations as may be made to the Commillee of Vigilance and Safely of Nacogdoches; and D. H. Vail our agent lo forward such donations; and I-1. 1-1. Edwards our agent to proceed lo the United States, to carry the foregoing resolutions into effect, with power lo appoint other agents if necessary: Resolved, lsl. Thal Carlos B. [illegible I be appointed our agent to repair to the slates of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,


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