stable Government of our own making that will be more congenial with our habits and education than one of Mexican manufacture. And permit me to subscribe myself your Excellcncys most obt servt
E. Rains
[1860] [ROBINSON to MONEY]
To John 1-1. Money Esqr. Marshall of Texas.
You will on sight or Knowledge of this, proceed to serve a notice of this date upon Henry Smith Esqr. late Governor of Texas, and receive the papers &c therein specified, if he gives you possession of the same, and make return of your proceedings to this department in due Lime. San Felipe de Austin Jany. 20th 1836 James W. Robinson Acting Governor In accordance with the following resolution passed by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas on the 17th Inst. Viz "Be it resolved by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, That the late Governor Henry Smith be and he is hereby required within two hours after notice thereof given, to surrender possession of all the papers, records, public correspondence and public documents of every kind belong- ing to the Executive Department of Texas, or cause the same to be delivered to the proper officer of this Government who is authorised to receive the same and Lhat due notice of this resolution shall be given the late Governor Henry Smilh aforesaid with the name of the officer who is authorised to receive the papers documents &c as aforesaid," You are, therefore, hereby nolified that John H. Money Marshall of Texas is authorised to receive all papers, records, public correspondence and public clocumenls of every kind belonging to the Executive Department now in your possession or under your control, and this shall be the notice To Henry Smith Esquire late Governor of Texas:
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