Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

The present System of 3 Commissioners will ~10t answer- one says to the other "do it"-& he refers it back agam & by that means nothinu is done-Compel the Adcaldes under heavy penalties to do it and s~mething may be done otherwise Texas is left a prey to the Enemy

To his Excellency Jas W Robinson

I very Respectfully recommend the foregoing plan of organizing the Militia for the defence of Texas, to the consideration of the advisory committee, for their opinion and advice; and as one great arm of defence the organization of the Militia deserves to be attended to without delay. Jany. 20, 1836

J. W. Robinson Acting Gov.

[To Advisory Committee]


[James W. Robinson, San Felipe, lo Mathew Caldwell, January 20, 1836, allowing. him to draw money on Andrew Ponton for supplies purchased for the army.]

[ 1859) [RAINS to SMITH]

Municipality of Tenehaw Jany 20th 1836

Dear Sir-

I have the pleasure to inform your Execellency that this Municipality has been organized under the new order of things and have the satisfaction to state to your Excellency that the citizens arc well disposed towards the provisional Government Elections wiU he held on the first day of February agreeably to your order for hvo members to the convention. I received a commission from your Excellency of First Judge of this Municipality and have been actively imployed in the duties thereof from the time I received it and I do hope with some benefit to my Country I am zealously attached to my adopted country I am satisfied with the present order of things hoping ere long that we shall have a permanent and


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