Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

[ 1855] I HAWKJNS to Si\HTI-1 l

Bexar, January 20, l 836.

My dear GoYernor.

While I am waiting to carry an ex press to Gen. 1-1 ouslon, I take the opporhmity of giving you my sentiments by our express lo San Felipe. By the documents you will receive you will perceive our indignation at this post at the disorderly and anarchical conduct of the council. Were it not for a proclamation issued from headquarters which arrived here last night, you have MEN, not SENTii\lENT al San Felipe to sustain you in the discharge of your duty as first i\lagistrate of the nation. Be consoled! Fight Lhe good fight and we are with you to a man. Let the low, intriguing land and ~lexican speculators know, that the sons of Washington and St. Patrick will not submit to delusion, rascality and usurpation. We are bound to you in the proper discharge of your du ties and will not submit to anarchy and misrule. .May God bless you and prosper you is the sincere wish of an honest son of Erin and a friend to Texian Independence.

Your obedient servant, M. Hawkins.

P. S. We will sustain you by arms. To Go\'crnor Henry Smith.

[ 1856]


[John McMullen and James W. Robinson, San Felipe, to John M. Money, San Felipe, January 20, 1836, ordering him as Marshal of Texas to obtain all the public papers in possession of Henry Smith, "late Governor of Texas."]


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