Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

I beg you will excuse this hasty and imperfeel sketch of the condition of parties in Texas. I write amid the noise and confusion of a camp silting on the ground and holding the paper on my knee. Give my love lo mother, to Norborne, lo Mary Ann, lo Hannah, and to Henrietta and to Richard and his family. Tell them to write lo me and direct to Quintana, Mouth of the Brazos, Texas, to the care of Messrs. .McKinney and Williams. Affectionately, John Sowers Brooks P. S. Tell mother l still possess the Bible she gave me when I left home and that l read it some times. My time is employed day and night in the organization and drilling of the troops. There is but one other professional soldier in the Battallion, besides myself, Sergeant Major Chadwick, from West Point. I have become habituated lo sleeping on the ground with one blanket and feel no inconvenience from it. Brooks I have no room for all the intelligence I am desirous of communicating. If I have another opportunity of writing, I will tell you some thing of the agricultural conditions of the Country. Brooks My health is better than it has been of late. I weigh more now than I have at any former period of my life and I have frequently got up in the morning perfectly drenched in rain and leaving my full print in the mud where I had reposed. Brooks If we accomplish the capture of Metamoras, as I believe we shall, our next object will be the City of Tampico where there is said lo be a considerable party in our favor. You have heard of the attack upon that place by Gen. Mexia and the result. All the Americans who were taken were shot. I have not had a letter from home since l landed in Texas. If you write and neglect to pay the postage lo New Orleans, they will never go any further. If we succeed in taking Metamoras as I believe we shall, and I survive the attack, I will write immediately and give you the particulars. If I fall, of course,----.


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