Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

Ana and will prohahly aid our enterprise. Various rumors have reached us with regard to the stale of preparation in Metamoras. It is said the City is well fortified and garrisoned with 4000 regulars. Another rumor leaves it almost defenceless and a third fixes its garrison al 1100 men. We will take wilh us only a small part of artillery and will be altogether unprepared to operate as a besieging army and therefore, if we find the first rumor correct, we will endeavor lo force an entrance by assault and retreat if we fail. The objects of this expedition appear to me to he not a systematic invastion of Mexico, but primarily to give employment to the Volunteers and lastly lo secure if practicable, a fool hold in Mexico, to carry the war out of Texas and to sustain ourselves upon the enemies means until a more formidable and better concerted plan of invasion can be arranged. We are all enthusiastic in the cause and if ceaseless perseverance and indomitable courage can prevail, my fond hope of our success must be realized. Yet it is sad to think that there are some among us with hearts now beating high with expectation who will then hear the merry sound of their last reveile. I may be one of that hapless number. I hope not, but if such is my fate, I will submit, without a murmur. You would perhaps like to know some thing of the policies and present positions of parties in this countTy, for the wild malignant demon of party spirit has appeared here in its most virulent form. There are two parties- one of which is warmly in favor of a secession from Mexico, and a Declaration of Indepen- dence by the Convention which is to assemble in March. One portion of this party entertained the project of entering your Confederacy as an integral member of the Union. Another part, are desirous of selling the Country lo the United Stales and thus enjoy the privileges of a free government, as a Territory without the expense until an increase of population and wealth has given them consequence sufficient to justify the assumption of a more exalted and responsible attitude as a constituent of the Federal Govern- ment. And a third portion are clamorous for the establishment of a separate and independent sovereignty. They argue with great plausibility that this course will produce confidence abroad and secure us aid in men and money which could not otherwise be obtained. They say that if we succeed in maintaining an altitude of independence, the country will be populated with a rapidity unprecedented in the annals of emigration and that then her prosperity will essentially depend upon a free, unshackclcd com- mercial intercourse with foreign nations and a full development of

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